10 Tips For Being Happy At Work

Of course, being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job. But there are also smaller steps that can boost your happiness, as well, f.e.:

With Your colleagues:
1) Although some people believe it’s best to keep work life and personal life separate, and therefore avoid making friends with colleagues, for most people, having strong friendships makes work more fun. Science supports this: having close relationships is essential to happiness, strengthens the immune system, and reduces anxiety.

2) If you work alone, take time to mix with other people. Socializing boosts the moods of introverts, as well as extroverts.

3) Each week, walk around your company and introduce yourself to a few people you don’t know each week. You’ll feel more comfortable socially, plus knowing more people facilitates work flow.

4) Say “Good morning” to everyone.

5) Periodically, have lunch with co-workers. This can be a time to talk about personal life, and so become better friends, or to talk about work, so that everyone has a bigger picture of what’s going on in the office - both good results.

6) Lighten up.
In Your day:
1) Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating just makes it harder; getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy.

2) Go outside at least once a day, and if possible, take a walk. The sunlight and activity is good for your focus, mood, and retention of information.

3) Don’t let yourself get too hungry.

4) Try to make a lunch date with someone outside the office at least once a week.


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