
Showing posts from May, 2010

Vyhorela som! Čo ďalej?

  Slečna Vierka Pozrime sa na slečnu Vierku. Vierka je mladá žena a pracuje pre dynamickú spoločnosť. Nie je to tak dávno, čo Vierka ležala v nemocnici úplne vyčerpaná s diagnostikovanými mnohými závažnými chorobami. Teraz je sama, bez partnera, priateľov, s naštrbenými rodinnými vzťahmi. Neverili by ste, ale pred pár rokmi bola obľúbená tigrica parketov s množstvom priateľov a silnými rodinnými vzťahmi. Pýtate sa, čo sa jej stalo? Vierka si nevšímala signály, ktoré jej telo posielalo až dovtedy, kým pred mesiacom neodpadla a jej organizmus už nevydržal ten tlak. Jej zdravie sa zosypalo ako domček z karát. Ležiac v nemocnici si Vierka uvedomila, že je otrasená, kam to až dopracovala. Vedela, že musí svoj postoj k životu zmeniť o 180 stupňov. Začala si rekapitulovať svoj život a zaujímalo ju, čo robila zle, že ju to dohnalo až k odpadnutiu. Vierka milovala svoju prácu. Jej talent a chuť riešiť problémy, vydať zo seba maximum a iné jej kvality si všimli nadriadení a povýšili ju...

10 Tips For Being Happy At Work

Of course, being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job. But there are also smaller steps that can boost your happiness, as well, f.e.: With Your colleagues: 1) Although some people believe it’s best to keep work life and personal life separate, and therefore avoid making friends with colleagues, for most people, having strong friendships makes work more fun. Science supports this: having close relationships is essential to happiness, strengthens the immune system, and reduces anxiety. 2) If you work alone, take time to mix with other people. Socializing boosts the moods of introverts, as well as extroverts. 3) Each week, walk around your company and introduce yourself to a few people you don’t know each week. You’ll feel more comfortable socially, plus knowing more people facilitates work flow. 4) Say “Good morning” to everyone. 5) Periodically, have lunch with co-workers. This can be a time to talk about personal life, and so become better ...

Enjoy Life More with Positive Thinking

Is your glass half-empty or half-full?    How you answer this question about positive thinking may reflect your outlook on life, your attitude toward yourself and whether you're optimistic or pessimistic. In fact, some studies show that these personality traits - optimism and pessimism can affect many areas of your health and well-being. People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success. They think in terms of 'I can', 'I am able' and 'I will succeed'.  How can you develop this state of mind? You can do so by practising changing negative self-talk into positive spins. Happiness is largely a choice. You can choose to be happy at work. Sound simple? Yes. But, simplicity is often difficult to put into action.   - So, think positively about your work - Dwell on the aspects of your work you like - Avoid negative people and gossip - Find co-workers you like and enjoy and spend your time with...